Jim Horton

With over 27 years of experience working within the family business, Jim Horton has developed the same values and perseverance of the executives before him that has allowed him to develop as well as grow many different organizations and business ventures throughout his career. Jim was previously the executive manager off Hallway Plumbing, a service company that works with multifamily housing to better install plumbing appliances within apartment complexes or other large housing facilities.
Before moving to Hallway Plumbing, Jim created Invisaflow in 2009 which helped change the gutter business in many ways. While leading Invisaflow, Jim and Jeff Smith created over 14 new patents to change how customers are buying their gutter products. The idea was to create a universal product that fits all of the downspout sizes to ensure that consumers went home with the right part that could be used in any space. Jim also helped to create a new gutter guard, Hoover Dam Gutter Guard, that would stop water from rolling off the gutters during tropical storms. Within 6 years, Invisaflow products were distributed through Home Depot and Lowe’s across the country which helped further their impact on the gutter industry. Invisaflow was sold in 2015 to Euramax which allowed Jim work with the corporate office for two years to further the acquisition as well as gain a new a business culture outlook.
The two-year corporate experience helped Jim better develop his salesmanship as well as knowledge in managing a rapidly growing business. This helped pave the road for Jim to move into Hallway Plumbing as an executive manager from 2017-2022.
Jim Horton, even though retired, focuses on building relationships that provide substantial growth as well as living by the company’s mantra in “making it happen”. Jim lives in Alpharetta, GA with this lovely wife Teresa, and has four beautiful children: Jimmy, Carol Anne, Allie, and Lizzy.